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Toni Lopopolo is a book agent with Toni Lopopolo Literary Management. View the complete profile for Toni Lopopolo in the official literary agent directory below. It has complete listings for all literary agency searches including Literary Agents Los Angeles and CA.

Toni is the founder of Toni Lopopolo Literary Management. She has a book publishing resume that began in 1970 in the publicity dept of Bantam Books, where she helped publicize authors such as Philip Roth, Barbara Cartland, Isaac Asimov, and Louis L’Amour.

She next served as Library Promotion Director at Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, and visited almost every major library in the USA. Then Houghton Mlfflin offered her a position in Boston as Marketing Manager, Paperback Books. Her big campaigns included Even Cowgirls Get the Blues by Tom Robbins. When Macmillanpresented Toni the title of Executive Editor, she moved back to New York City and published Judy Mazel’s Beverly Hills Diet and Elvis 56 by Al Wertheimer among other hits.

St. Martin’s Press made an offer she couldn’t refuse, so Toni became Executive Editor there from 1981 to 1990 and published Hot Flashes by Barbara Raskin and Rich and Famous by Kate Coscarelli plus Elsa Lanchester, Herself, by Elsa Lanchester, On The Other Hand by Fay Wray and many more titles.

In l991, Toni opened Toni Lopopolo Literary Management. She has since sold books for authors Sol Stein, Lee Silber, Lillian Glass, Steve Duno, Nancy Baer, Flo Fitzgerald, Judith Smith-Levin, Howard Olgin, Jeanette Baker, Larry Seeley, and several others. Toni relocated her company to Santa Barbara, California in 2011.

Toni is also known for her Fiction Bootcamp workshops where she uses a unique method that helps first-time novelists to master the skills needed to successfully write book-length fiction, and she aids nonfiction writers to produce compelling narrative nonfiction, using fiction techniques. Toni has held workshops at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA and at the Writer’s Room of Bucks County, PA. as well for the Ventura County Writers Club in California. Toni is also noted for her very popular lecture: The Ten Most Common Mistakes First Novelist Make.

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Warning – Toni Lopopolo

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