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Patricia Nelson is a book agent with the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency. View the complete profile for Patricia Nelson in the official literary agent directory below. It has complete listings for all literary agency searches including Literary Agents Los Angeles and CA.

Patricia joined Marsal Lyon Literary Agency in 2014. She represents adult, young adult, and middle grade fiction, and is actively building her list.

In general, Patricia looks for stories that hook her with a unique plot, fantastic writing and complex characters that jump off the page. On the children’s side, Patricia is open to a wide range of genres of YA and MG, with particular interest in contemporary/realistic, magical realism, mystery, science fiction and fantasy. On the adult side, she is seeking women’s fiction both upmarket and commercial, historical fiction set in the 20th century, and compelling plot-driven literary fiction. She’s also looking for sexy, smart adult contemporary and historical single title romance. She is interested in seeing diverse stories and characters, including LGBTQ, in all genres that she represents.

Patricia’s clients include RITA Award-winning and USA Today bestselling romance author Sarina Bowen (Rookie Move, Berkley/Penguin); women’s fiction authors Loretta Nyhan (Digging In, Lake Union Publishing) and Susan Bishop Crispell (Dreaming in Chocolate, St. Martin’s Press); young adult novelists Axie Oh (Rebel Seoul, Tu Books) and Mary McCoy (Camp So-and-So, Lerner/Carolrhoda Lab); and middle grade novelists Kristi Wientge (Karma Khullar’s Mustache, Simon and Schuster Children’s), Hayley Chewins (The Turnaway Girls, forthcoming from Candlewick), Margaret Dilloway (Summer of a Thousand Pies, forthcoming from Balzer+Bray/HarperCollins), and Sandy Stark-McGinnis (Extraordinary Birds, forthcoming from Bloomsbury Children’s), among others.

Patricia is a member of SCBWI and RWA. She received her bachelor’s degree from the College of William and Mary in 2008, and also holds a master’s degree in English Literature from the University of Southern California and a master’s degree in Gender Studies from the University of Texas at Austin. Before joining the world of publishing, she spent four years as a university-level instructor of literature and writing.

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Warning – Patricia Nelson

Most literary agency directories (print and online) are outdated, incomplete, and filled with mistakes. If you rely on those directories to find Los Angeles Literary Agents and/or book agents in other locations, you’re going to hurt your chances of getting a publishing agent to represent you.

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