Jolene Haley is a book agent with the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency. View the complete profile for Jolene Haley in the official literary agent directory below. It has complete listings for all literary agency searches including Literary Agents Los Angeles and CA.
She joined the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency in 2020 and has been in the publishing industry since 2012. She has worked for literary agencies and publishers like The Bent Agency, Corvisiero Literary Agency, Entangled Publishing, and Swoon Romance, and has an extensive background in marketing. Her well-rounded experience provides a unique perspective and a solid foundation to support authors as they build their careers.
Jolene represents middle grade, young adult, and adult fiction. She is drawn to original concepts, compelling characters, and stories with plot twists that keep her guessing. In all genres, she welcomes diverse stories and characters that reflect the world we live in.
On the children’s side, Jolene is open to a broad range of MG and YA, especially contemporary, mystery, magical realism, romance, and horror. On the adult side, she is seeking commercial women’s fiction, romance (all subgenres), mystery/crime, horror, and immersive literary fantasies.
On the non-fiction side, Jolene enjoys books on the following topics: lifestyle, health, wellness, self-help, spiritualism, and true crime.
She graduated with accolades from Cal State Fullerton with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Composition. She runs a global horror writer’s resource site The Midnight Society and is a member of ALA, HWA, and SCBWI.
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