Danielle Smith is a book agent with Lupine Grove Creative, LLC. View the complete profile for Danielle Smith in the official literary agent directory below. It has complete listings for all literary agency searches including Literary Agents Los Angeles and CA.
She is the mother of two wonderful children and wife to a practicing attorney. She began her agent career at Fuse Literary in 2013, but made the move to Red Fox Literary in March of 2014 where she represented children’s book authors and illustrators along side her mentor and partner at Red Fox Literary LLC, Abigail Samoun.
Danielle’s publishing career began with her well known book reviews and articles, of which many can still be found at There’s A Book. Additionally she wrote for print & online publications such as Women’s World and Parenting Magazine. She’s an author, literacy advocate, professional flutist and movie lover. Danielle has also served as a judge for the Cybils Awards in the picture book category for three years as well as for the INSPYs and various other writing competitions.
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Warning – Danielle Smith
Most literary agency directories (print and online) are outdated, incomplete, and filled with mistakes. If you rely on those directories to find Los Angeles Literary Agents and/or book agents in other locations, you’re going to hurt your chances of getting a publishing agent to represent you.
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