Welcome to your comprehensive, regularly updated list of Los Angeles literary agents currently accepting submissions. Quickly find agents specializing in your genre and get your publishing journey started.
Frequently Asked Questions about Using This List
How often is this Los Angeles literary agent list updated?
We regularly update this list monthly to reflect the most accurate information about submission statuses and agent interests.
How do I know an agent is reputable?
Verify their reputation by checking their sales record on Publishers Marketplace, reading client testimonials, and confirming membership in recognized organizations such as AAR (Association of Authors’ Representatives).
Can I submit to multiple agents on this list simultaneously?
Yes, but always disclose in your query letter if you are submitting simultaneously to other agents.
How to Use This List Effectively
To make the most of this resource, first identify literary agents who specifically represent your genre or writing style. Once you’ve narrowed your list, visit individual agency websites—linked directly when available—to confirm current submission guidelines, preferences, and detailed contact information.
Alphabetical List of Los Angeles Literary Agents
- Alyssa Maltese with Root Literary
- Angela Rinaldi with The Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency
- Bonnie Nadell with Hill Nadell Literary Agency
- Dana Newman with Dana Newman Literary
- David Groff with Creative Management
- Debbie Deuble Hill with Independent Artist Group
- Erin Cox with Creative Management
- Helen Breitwieser with Cornerstone Literary Agency
- Jane Putch with Eyebait Literary Management
- Kurestin Armada with Root Literary
- Liz Parker with Verve Talent & Literary Agency
- Molly O’Neill with Root Literary
- Nina Noelle with The Hot Coast Agency
- Rebecca Friedman with Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency
- Rob Weisbach with Creative Management
- Samantha Fabien with Root Literary
- Steven Fisher with Independent Artist Group
- Susan Finesman with Fine Literary Management
- Taylor Haggerty with Root Literary
- Liz Parker with Verve Talent & Literary Agency
How to Approach Agents on this List
When approaching literary agents from this list, clearly state your manuscript’s genre at the beginning of your query letter. Clearly articulate why you’ve specifically selected the agent, referencing their stated interests, recent publications, or client successes. For additional support, see our detailed query writing tips and guidelines.
Additional Resources for Connecting with Literary Agents in LA
- Publishers Marketplace
- Manuscript Wish List
- Writer’s Digest
- Los Angeles Times Festival of Books
- SCBWI Los Angeles Events
- Local writing groups and networking events in LA
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